Manage Risks
Special Situations
We operate Market research in each and every market we are active on our behalf or on behalf of our clients. We provide with country analysis, economic and political research factoring information to conclude the feasibility and economic viability of different projects in the commodity space.
Agency for Special Situations
We thrive in intervening in special situations for ourselves or on behalf of our clients where the geopolitical framework changes, we remain pragmatic in trying to identify opportunities within critical environments or situations.

Market Intelligence & Analysis
Our experience in different grounds helps us to have a global approach when it comes to trading raw materials from production to the end consumer within the global regulatory framework.
We conduct market research in each market we are active on our behalf or on behalf of our clients. We do country analysis, economic and political research factoring information to conclude the feasibility and economic viability of different projects in the commodity space.

Risk Management and Market insight
As the global market is in constant movement, when a risk is emerging, our teams pinpoint the different possibilities to manage risk. We aim to manage Enterprise Risk internally and externally: Each customer and market is considered from a risk management perspective. Risk Management is a core part of our activity.